11th grade humanities honors was a complex and interesting honors class to take. Humanities honors is meticulous and work intense class in order to pass and you cannot take any shortcuts in order to succeed in it. Our class studied past history that isn't appreciated as much as bigger and more "important" events. We were given a reading to analyze and annotate in preparation for a Socratic Seminar that the whole pod had during lunch. We analyzed and understood these readings: A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, "Community in Conflict" (a dissertation) by Gloria Kim, and "The Case for Reparations" by Ta Nehisi Coates. These readings discussed topics such as racial inequalities, racial hatred, government neglect, protests, education inequalities, etc... These readings tested the class' comprehension with college level reading and annotation with a Socratic Seminar to also express our understanding of the reading.